Curitiba transcends to the light of the works of the International Biennial and integrates today the schedule of the hugest art exhibitions, which in the past was kept inside the axis Rio-Sao Paulo.
The light of the world, which is the central theme proposed by the curatos of this biennial, brought to Parana’s capital magnificent works that dialogue with the viewer, whether lay or art connoisseur, such is the quality of works and the conceptual content. The distribution in about 100 cultural spaces do not damage the visitation, on the contrary, encourages the visitor to see more and seek to enjoy most of what biennial offers.

The works exhibited at the Museum Oscar Niemeyer have in its favor the space of the own museum, which is an art work already.
Undoubtedly MON Eye now dark, poorly lit, it was the ideal place to house the works of the Japanese architect Yumi Kouri and the Argentine Julio Le Parc. Both interact with the viewer, who is not the one who observes anymore, but the one who integrates the space. Yumi manipulates light and shadow and transform the space into another space.

Julio Le Parc
Julio Le Parc exploits kinetic art and his works are focused on the study of the light, structured by movement. Transit through his instalations in the Eye is realising the ephemeral, the transfiguration of bodies in movement of light and shadow. Julio was one of the founders of Groupe du Richerche d’Art Visuel (1960-68), collective of optical-kinetic artists, which proposed to encourage the participation of observers, expanding the capacity of perception and action.
From the Eye, the public will be able to visit the other two exhibition rooms of the Biennale in MON, highlighting the works “Ghosts” of the Swedish Lars Nilsson, sculptures of bodies without light. Nothing that add something new into sculpture art.
The space of the group which includes Dan Flavin, Doug Wheeler, Jeongmoon Choi, Helga Griffths, is what attracts more public, who faces lines to enter the room and play, shoot and feel the sensations of the game that the Chinese Jeongmoon Choi does with cotton wires and technology, the representation of the DNA code, Helga Griffiths who replicates her genetic structure, “the most unyielding and objective information someone can have about himself”.
The population of Curitiba and those who visits it have until the first week of december to enjoy the Light of the World. It is the oportunity to embark on a poetic search of artists and take you own conclusions about the art meaning and what it reveals about a moment in human history. The PanHoram Arte will show on next updates, a little more about what the curator Teixeira Coelho says that “Biennial theme is art of light, art with light and art made of art and has light in its matter, its material and its content”.