
The world that Greenpeace wanted to change is worse

The documentary “How to change the world”, that closed the International Festival of Journalism, in Perugia, tells the history of the largest environmental movement in the world. The story is intense and reveals the passion of a group of young activist fighting for ideal pure, romantic, believing the world could improve.


Without discrediting the fantastic work the organization is paying to humanity, only to point out that men did not learn the lesson. Still keeps greedy and destroying more and more his home.

Today world is worse, yes, it can be said without  the worry of making mistakes in the analysis. The seas are so full of plastic that there are islands in Pacific composed of disposable waste. Whales and seals that were the early struggles of the organization are no longer being indiscriminately hunted, but are in risk of dying the same way by ingesting toxic material.

Nicolo’Carmineo in this video tells about what is happening in the sea by the excesses of the modern world.

In Gana, the social problem is serious ando ne of the main problems is generated by technological waste, cell phones, computers sold by developed countries to Africans.

Greenpeace direction is not the same since started, in 1971. There were disagreements and the group split. Robert Hunter left first and died of cancer in 2005, perhaps by disappointment to see that his dream became romantic in front of the actual situation of the planet.

If Greenpeace still aims to change the world, needs to invest all their efforts and money in humanity’s radical change of habits and consumption behavior, especially for those who lives in developed countries, which are the most polluters.

Will be possible to win this war against savage capitalism?

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